Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

Links to series pages

Click on a series name below to explore and watch individual episodes. Series are listed alphabetically.

Alaska: the new frontier

America looks abroad

American art today

American memoir

American politics

Animals of the seashore

The art of the theatre

The arts around us

Astronomy for you

At home with your child

Basic issues of man

Before there was a U.S.A.

Biblical masterpieces

Books and ideas


Challenge of foreign policy

Children growing

Community of the condemned

The computer and the mind of man

Conversations with Eric Hoffer

The criminal man

Decision: the Constitution in action

Design workshop


Discovery at the Brookfield Zoo

Doctors in space

Dr. Posin's giants

Driver education

Dynamics of leadership

Eastern wisdom and modern life

The elements

Escape from the cage

The essentials of freedom

The exceptional child

The face of Sweden

The face of the Earth

Fignewton's newspaper

The finder

Focus on behavior

The friendly giant

From Capitol Hill: party government and the United States Congress

Frontier to space

The great ideas

Hats in the ring



Heritage of the land

History with Herb Hake

The intent of art

Japan: changing years

Japanese brush painting

Keyboard conversations

Language and linguistics

Language in action

Last continent: Antarctica

The Latin Americas

Looking at modern art

Man and laughter

Meant for reading

The measure of man


The modern U.S.A.

The months before birth

Music and the Renaissance

Music as a language

Music for young people

Musical forms

National agricultural policy

National goals

National parks

Nationalism and colonialism

The nature of life

Not in our stars

Nuclear energy: key to tomorrow

A number of things

Of men and ideas

Of poets and poetry

Of science and scientists

Once upon a Japanese time

Opera for today

The painting

Passing notes on music

Patterns of life


People are taught to be different

Philosophies of education

Photography: the incisive art


Plays and players

Portraits in print

Prelude to the presidency

A prospect of literature

Psychology one

The quill

Red myth

Religions of man

Science and human responsibility

Scientific methods

The search for America

Searchlights on delinquency

The secret of flight

Seminar on American civilization

Sing hi, sing lo

Spotlight on opera

Survival in the sea

Tales of Poindexter

Tempest in a test tube

Tension areas

A time to dance

Twentieth century revolutions in world affairs

Uncle Wonder's workshop

Understanding the child

Understanding numbers


Visits with a sculptor

The world of art

The written word

Yesterday's worlds

The young U.S.A.

Links to series pages