Stating that "from the start of the war Canada has realized the importance of mechanization" the film emphasizes the role of Canadian scientists and the National Research Council in developing superior precision weapons for modern mechanized warfare.…
As part of the war effort, the U. S. Office of Education released 48 films in 1941 and 1942 to train factory workers and shipbuilders under a project called Victory Training Films. The success of these titles helped convince the federal government…
As part of the war effort, the U. S. Office of Education released 48 films in 1941 and 1942 to train factory workers and shipbuilders under a project called Victory Training Films. The success of these titles helped convince the federal government…
"Official OEM film. Shows the mass production of America's fighting 'land ships.' Narrated by Orson Welles." (War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943, 11.) This film details how "the roaring, plunging, vehicle…
Argues that the men and women working in a British airplane factory are the true secret weapon that will win the war against the Nazis. Shows an average day at the factory where work goes on around the clock. Maintaining peak efficiency is…
As part of the war effort, the U. S. Office of Education released 48 films in 1941 and 1942 to train factory workers and shipbuilders under a project called Victory Training Films. The success of these titles helped convince the federal government…
As part of the war effort, the U. S. Office of Education released 48 films in 1941 and 1942 to train factory workers and shipbuilders under a project called Victory Training Films. The success of these titles helped convince the federal government…
This film outlines the various government plans created to help World War II Canadian veterans return to civilian life in the workplace and at home, even with their friends. Cash bonuses, paid educational leave, assured work, free medical services…
Presented as an authentic message from the Japanese people to the American people, this film is actually a fake newsreel designed to counter any views the American moviegoer might have had about the Japanese being a backwards nation. The film employs…
As part of the war effort, the U. S. Office of Education released 48 films in 1941 and 1942 to train factory workers and shipbuilders under a project called Victory Training Films. The success of these titles helped convince the federal government…