Starts with a depiction of pre-war construction to show how heavy equipment of all types were in use by the Corps of Engineers and the Navy's Seabees. States that this contruction machinery plays a central part in action on all fronts during World…
This short nonfiction film depicts the intensive testing that goes into developing and producing new military equipment, here the propeller engine of a fighting plane. It opens with the whirring or propeller blades. Animated diagrams show how the…
"Diary of a Sergeant" portrays the post-war life of a soldier who lost both of his hands on D-Day (though his injury was the result of an explosion while testing weapons on base in North Carolina). Former soldier Harold Russell stars in the film, and…
Stating that "from the start of the war Canada has realized the importance of mechanization" the film emphasizes the role of Canadian scientists and the National Research Council in developing superior precision weapons for modern mechanized warfare.…