U.S.D.A Miscellaneous Publication No. 574Distribution and sales catalog of 16mm and 35mm films and slidefilms produced by the United States Department of Agriculture.
A Canadian film production addressed to U.S. audiences, showing the industrial and commercial cooperation between the two nations as it occurs throughout the Great Lakes. "The Great Lakes are shown as a great industrial region with an immense amount…
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of six short segments:
This Isn't War It's Murder!…
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of four short segments: Has Anybody Seen Kelly? Reports on…
Addressed to members of 4-H or FFA clubs interested in learning to raise pigs, stating that "thousands of boys and girls choose swine for their livestock project work." Provides instruction and guidance for every aspect of the project, from…
Set in a typical wartime factory, the film discusses the supervisor's need to keep up production quantities while meeting quality standards. Narration states "quality work, like a mirror, reflects the one who produces it." Points emphasized include:…
A USDA production conveying the department's policy recommendations for the development of unusable wetlands into productive agricultural land. Narration explains that, for much of the year, land with "too much water with nowhere to go" is rendered…
Traces the history of mapmaking and representation of the globe on two-dimensional surfaces. Considers early problems of distortion in map projection, and reviews the projections of Mercator, Mollweide, and Goode. Emphasizes, using animation, the…
A narrated travelogue addressed to viewers in the U.S. shows life in several small towns surrounding Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Shows rope making from sisal hemp and traditional textile weaving. Concludes with a visits to the outdoor markets in…