States "food is a weapon of war," showing that women must learn to use the less desirable cuts of beef during wartime rationing. "A wartime film showing conservation needs and food planning in regard to wisely chosen cuts of meat. Various cooking…
U.S. Navy training film intended to improve dictation technique through humorous demonstration of common faults. After a series of vignettes where inept and ineffective styles of dictation to a stenographer are dramatized, a model businessman…
History of the settlement of the western Canadian prairie lands, from pioneers in covered wagons to the booming wheat industry of the early 20th century. Shows that the prosperity brought by wheat built the western cities and led to rampant increases…
Begins with a brief geography lesson to orient the North American viewer to the size and climate of Chile. Scenes of indigenous shepherding in desert villages are followed by a visit to the Christmas celebration of the Virgin of Andecollo. Scenes at…
Reports on the capture of Munda and Rendova in the Solomon Islands. The role of medical instruments and supplies as weapons in these battles is emphasizedas well as the battle against death by wound and infection. Shows the "heroes" at home who…
Shows the necessity for Federal regulation of the nation's timber to insure protection and perpetuation of this vital resource. Shows that poor management practices for quick exploitation of privately owned forest lands has negative consequences for…
American audiences are shown the need for workers in the physically demanding metal forging and casting jobs, using scenes of combat from the invasion of France. The fictional American tank driver "Bill" is killed in combat in Normandy. His spirit…
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
15th Air Force Report the return…