Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington
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COMING SOON: 1. Introduction: individual differences
COMING SOON: 2. The gifted child
COMING SOON: 3. Mentally handicapped: educable
COMING SOON: 5. The visually-handicapped child: the partially-sighted
COMING SOON: 6. The visually-handicapped child: the blind
COMING SOON: 7. The auditorially-handicapped child: the deaf
8. The crippled child
9. The cerebral palsied child
10. Chronic medical disorder
COMING SOON: 11. The epileptic child
COMING SOON: 12. The speech-handicapped child: physical disabilities
COMING SOON: 13. The speech-handicapped child: stuttering
14. The socially maladjusted child
15. The community and the exceptional child