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- Tags: Japan
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China Crisis: The Story of the Fourteenth Air Force
A history of the establishment of the Fourteenth Air Force. Describes the military operations performed in China and India against the Japanese by the Flying Tigers of the American Volunteer Group and commander Claire Lee Chennault. Includes footage…
Iwo Jima
Combat footage from the American invasion of Iwo Jima is used to sell War Bonds as part of the 7th War Loan. This 36-day assault resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. However, the successful invasion gave the Allied forces crucial airfields and…
Japs Bomb U.S.A.!
"Remember Pearl Harbor! Here is the fateful record of the treacherous Jap attack! Actual bombing scenes! Filmed on the spot! Dive-bombing planes! Heroic defense by Americans! Here is grim history .. on film .. for now and posterity. The beginning of…
Tags: 1941, air raid, Castle Films, Japan, Pearl Harbor
Know Your Enemy: Japan
"Produced in cooperation with the Institute of Pacific Relations, this film answers such vital questions as: How large in the Japanese Empire? Is Japan self-sufficient in food? What is Japan's naval and military strength? What are the living…
My Japan
Presented as an authentic message from the Japanese people to the American people, this film is actually a fake newsreel designed to counter any views the American moviegoer might have had about the Japanese being a backwards nation. The film employs…
New Philippines News
Uses captured Japanese footage to show the horrible conditions American prisoners experienced in enemy camps in the Philippines as a way to raise money through the sale of War Bonds.
Our Enemy: The Japanese
"Originally produced by March of Time as one of a series of three Navy training films, this picture will lead to a better and clearer understanding of the nature of our enemy. It is authentically narrated by our former ambassador to Japan, Joseph C.…
Peace Comes to America
Asserts that although World War II is over, Americans still have responsibility for their government and veterans of the war. Starts with footage of President Truman declaring the surrender of Japan and Americans celebrating the end of the war. Shows…
Pincers on Japan
"Pincers on Japan" notes that "Alaska and the Northern Pacific are highly vulnerable to bombing and parachute attack ... it is in this area that the New World will feel the impact of Japan." The film describes Canada's place in the strategy of the…
Target- Invisible
Illustrates the use of radar on a bombing mission over Japan, and explains the work of the "mysterious 11th member of the crew" - the radar operator. In a final scene, the film is revealed to have been produced after the war, and a narrator…