Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

Browse Items (37 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Describes how maps are made by picturing a class constructing a map from the model of the community. Shows the use of a legend and how a scale is derived in order that distance may be measured on the map. Illustrates the way a community may be…
Explains and simulates the formation of sedimentary rock, focusing on the importance of limestone as a natural resource. Locates limestone quarries on the map and shows how the stone is quarried in blocks to be cut in desired shapes. Discusses the…
Defines lakes in terms of their physical features, how they are created and destroyed, and their uses. Indicates that the size and shape of a lake may vary, but that all lakes are formed because there is a depression in the land. Describes natural…
Uses close-up photography, photomicrography, time-lapse photography and drawings to show the stages in the life cycle of a coelenterate, the freshwater jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbii. Examines its habitats, collection procedures, and feeding…
Uses animation and live-action photography to explain the ionization process, the releasing of ions from crystals of salt, ionization of covalent compounds, and the conditions of ionic equilibrium. The differences between electrolytes and non-…
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in…
Points out how the differences in characteristics in animals and plants have always interested man and have led to Mendel's experiments with peas and today's experiments with Drosophila. Uses animation to picture Mendel and his basic discoveries of…
Describes the globe as a model of the earth, showing how the globe represents physical and cultural features on the earth's surface, and provides information about direction, distance, size, and location. Points out the poles, the equator, and…
Defines instructional development as a systematic approach to instruction based on decisions about the learner, learning, the learning environment, and evaluation. Uses the subjects of tennis and music to analyze the learner in terms of prior…
Records the red tape, long periods of waiting, and dehumanizing procedures a young mother from an inner city must contend with to receive routine medical treatment for her child through welfare. Shows the woman being offered a job as an aide with a…
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