Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

Health in War

About this item

Description Shows the British system of casualty stations, emergency hospitals, and convalescent homes established in and around London for maintaining the fight against sickness and caring for wartime casualties. The film starts with a peaceful evocation of pre-war England with shots of London night life, a cricket game, and the countryside. A connection - both metaphorical and real through socialized medicine - is made between the physical health of a new family and the strength of the nation. The film describes how the national health service transformed from a peacetime fight against disease to a defense footing against the German bombardment. Depicts how hospitals were still able to deal with everyday health problems despite the impact of the war. The English countryside is presented as a healing place away from the urban environment. Large English homes and private schools are shown being transformed into hospitals and treatment centers.
Creator GPO Film Unit
Patrick Jackson
Great Britain. Ministry of Information
Contributor H. E. Fowle: camera; Robert Sinclair: commentary; Ken Cameron: sound; Colin Taylor: assistant
Date Issued 1940
Original Format 16mm print
Duration 13:19
Color/Black & White B&W
Sound/Silent Sound
Nation of Origin U.K.
Geographic Coverage London, England

