Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

The secure society

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Description In this program, the narrator describes what the Swede receives in social welfare from the state. To illustrate, the film follows two young women through pregnancy --one case normal, the other complicated by serious illness. Swedes get free hospitalization during illness, while insurance covers and loss of income. In the particular case of births, while the mother is in the hospital, the home nurse association takes care of her children at a nominal fee. As the program continues, the topic is broadened to cover the problems of others --for instance, the aged. The film concludes with a natural birth sequence --natural childbirth has been used in Sweden for ten years with great success --in which the healthy young woman we met at the beginning of the program watches her baby being born. Among the participants in this program is Ernst Michanek, State Secretary in Sweden’s Social Department, journalist, and Swedish representatives to the International Labor Organization and the Unite Nations.


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