Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

The portrait of George Gordon, Lord Byron

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Description Born into the British nobility in 1788, George Gordon, Lord Byron, managed to crowd into the thirty-six years of his life enough travels, adventures, and romances to make him the most famous, and notorious, of the Romantic posts. After a formal education at Harrow and Cambridge, he traveled to Greece and the Near East, and from his experiences on this trip brought forth poems including “Maid of Athens,” “Childe Harold,” and many others. After an unhappy marriage, he was forced to leave England, and traveled on the Continent. It was during this period that he wrote his great epic satire “Don Juan,” of which the lovely lines about the isles of Greece form part. His sympathy for Greece led him to return there to help fight for independence against the Turks, and it was there that he died in 1824.

