Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

Central Australia and Elsewhere in Australia

About this item

Description The film consists of travelogue sequences around Australia by way of an Australian tour company, Bonds Tours, utilizing an elongated, rugged car for travel. Sequences span from the Northern and Southern Territories to Victoria in Australia, with lots of footage from Mt. Buffalo National Park in Victoria, and Alice Springs and the West MacDonnell National Park in the Northern Territory. Notable locations within Mt. Buffalo National Park include wonderful shots of Pulpit Rock and Wilkinson’s Lookout, Lake Catani, the Leviathan, Manfield’s Lookout, Bent’s Lookout, and Reed’s Lookout. Shots in South Australia include Parachilna Gorge and the Flinders Ranges, with a stop at the Ancorichina Hostel nearby, as well as William Creek. A wonderful sequence of camera tilts reveals the various Kodak posters for Mt. Buffalo National Park. In the Northern Territory locations include Alice Springs (known locally as “The Alice” according to title card), the Fink Gorge National Park and West MacDonnell National Park, and the Hermannsberg Lutheran mission, an Aboriginal mission in the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Shire. A majority of the final segment includes many profile and group shots of Aboriginal peoples part of a mission possibly sponsored by the “Australian Board of Missions, Church of England, Alice Springs,” which was printed on a nearby car. Final segment is footage from a track event of the Korowa C.E.G.G.S. (Church of England Girl’s Grammar School). Footage consists of color film stock with particularly beautiful title cards inserted for many new locations and sites.
Duration 01:17:17
Color/Black & White Color
Sound/Silent Silent
Film Stock 16mm


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