Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

These united colonies

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Description The skirmishes at Lexington and Concord and even the more determined fighting around Boston were only meant to show the mother country that the colonials were serious in their demand to be treated fairly as Englishmen. But then events moved rapidly. In July, 1776, the die was cast and the challenge thrown in the face of the British. The next years were full of heartbreaks and setbacks. Almost to the end, the outcome of the struggle was in serious doubt. While the war was on, the new nation often found distressing troubles of an internal nature. The independence for which the fight was being waged at times seemed to be anything but that sweet thing glimpsed in the dreams of freedom. But in the end, victory came to the Americans. In 1783 Great Britain officially recognized the United States of North America. The introductory chapters of the American story were concluded. The main chapters were to follow.


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