Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

Target Lights

About this item

Description A training film addressed to members of the civilian defense corps to teach communities to prepare their homes for air raid blackouts. Introduced with the statement "these are the things you must learn to teach." "This film is an illustrated narrative of the method of preparing any home for a 'black-out'. It illustrates the vital importance to every family of knowing what to do and just how to do it. No details are omitted and the instructions are clear and well illustrated. Preparation of a shelter room is described and illustrated." (Frank Frankowiak, "Analysis and Evaluation of 16mm Motion Pictures Library Available at Indiana State Teachers College" (thesis), June, 1948, 109.)
Creator U.S. Office of Civilian Defense
Date Issued 1943
Original Format 16mm print
Duration 17:36
Color/Black & White B&W
Sound/Silent Sound
Nation of Origin U.S.
Temporal Coverage April 15, 1943

