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In French Nos: 03 (Fevrier 2007) 05 07 (Julliet 2007) 12 (Decembre 2007) 24 (Mars 2006) 32 (Decembre 2009) 47 (Janvier 2012) 50 (Mai 2012) 52 (Mail 2012) 53 (Aout 2012) 55 (Decembre 2012) 57 (Janvier 2013) 59...

Pamphlet to aid Christian Groups to learn more about what the Church teaches about human trafficking.

Two photocopies of religious texts in the Gbii language.

From: Islam and Power. A. S. Cudsi and A. E. Hillal Dessouki, eds. London: Croomhelm, 1981, pp. 169-196


Dissertation en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Theologie avec specialisation en Liturgie. Folder 45

From Journal of African History, v. 10, no. 3, 1969: 471-486


Flyer written by a member of the Imperial College Islamic Society, and distributed at the Somali Conference in London, September 1993


Paper presented at the Faith and Knowledge Seminar no. 34, 9 March, 1995.


From: Butler, Jeffrey and Castagno, A. A. eds. Boston University Papers on Africa: Transition in African Politics. New York: Praeger, 1967.


Faith and Knowledge Seminar, no. 35, SCR 16 March 1995, 1600.


In, Islam and Power/ ed. by Alexander S. Cudsi and Ali E. Hillal Dessouki. pp. 158-168. London: Croom Helm, 1981.


Signed by author, 10 papges missing. Offprint of Actas das Sessoes da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa in Boletim da Sociedade de Geographia de...
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