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Conference Episcopale Nationale du Congo
In French
03 (Fevrier 2007)
07 (Julliet 2007)
12 (Decembre 2007)
24 (Mars 2006)
32 (Decembre 2009)
47 (Janvier 2012)
50 (Mai 2012)
52 (Mail 2012)
53 (Aout 2012)
55 (Decembre 2012)
57 (Janvier 2013)
Weeks, Helen, and Margaret Long. Malia: bonkanda wa mbaanda wa...
Title in English: "Mary: a second reader." Bolenge, Congo Belge: Disciples of Christ Congo Mission Press.
Boone, Janet, and Rose Uhlinger. 1-10 buku dia ntundu dia...
Leopoldville, Congo: La Librairie Evangelique au Congo.
Farris, Ellsworth, and Royal J. Dye. Bekolo bi'ampaka ba Nkundo:...
Title in English: "Fables of the elders of Nkundo: adages and proverbs." "Bakolo" is the native name for Ellsworth Farris. Bolenge, Congo Belge: Hannah...
Armstrong, W. D. Besako bia Ekelesia. 1930.
Bongandanga, Congo Belge: Congo Balolo Mission.
Grands Lacs: trimestriel d' information de la CEPGL. Gisenyi.
3eme trimestre, no. 34.