Graphic Novel

Whispering into Light graphic novel panels

Graphic Novel Panels
The six panels shown here comprise the first half of Dr. Maria Hamilton Abegunde’s poem, Whispering into the Light. This early draft combines real life photos and digital illustrations to visually represent each line. Using this digital medium, with Adobe Illustrator and Procreate, adds another dimension for those interested in Lizzie’s life. The graphic panels invite the reader to engage with the poem and wonder themselves what life could be. Depending on how this project progresses, each individual panel may be expanded to full pages of a children’s book or comic book. 

Jeffery Giddings

Jeffrey Giddings, Ph.D. student

Link to full bio

Jeffery Giddings is a Ph.D. student in the African American and African Diaspora Studies Department at Indiana University. He provides another artistic facet to the Stargazing project through digital imagery in graphic novel format. 

Graphic Novel