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- Tags: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
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"The United States and the People's Republic of China" Report
"The United States and the People's Republic of China." A report of the sixteenth Congressional delegation to the People's Repbulic of China, of which...
Address to NATO Conference
From left to right, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Richard Lugar (R-IN), and Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) addressing a meeting of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty...
Anti-Apartheid Action Act of 1985
First page of a report submitted by Senator Richard Lugar as the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Relations to accompany Senate Bill S....
Bipartisan Group to Visit Philippines
Press release about a bipartisan delegation's plans to establish guidelines for the international observer program for the 1986 Philippine elections.
CODEL Biden documents
Folder and documents related to CODEL Biden, a trip taken by Senators Joseph Biden, Richard Lugar, Jim Sasser, David Pryor, David Boren, Carl Levin,...
Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986
Cover of the printed version of the law that was passed imposing sanctions on the government of South Africa for their policy of apartheid.
Democracy and Central America
First two pages of the first and second drafts of the speech "Democracy and Central America" presented by Senator Richard Lugar at the National...
Handwritten note from Richard Lugar
Handwritten note from Richard Lugar that was attached to the front cover of the booklet "Toward a Just Society." The note indicates that...
Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate...
Cover of printed version of hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the U.S. administration's policy towards the Philippines
In Front of the Tally Board at the Philippine Elections
Photograph of Senator Richard Lugar standing in front of the tally board at the Philippine elections. The votes for the different candidates are shown...