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Handwritten note from Richard Lugar
Handwritten note from Richard Lugar that was attached to the front cover of the booklet "Toward a Just Society." The note indicates that...
Toward a Just Society
Front cover of a booklet published for the UNIDO National Conference in Quezon City, Republic of the Philippines.
This Generation's Task (UNIDO's Economic Recovery and Development Program)
Front and back covers of a booklet containing a printed version of a speech delivered by Dr. Salvador H. Laurel before the Makati Business...
Richard Lugar Outside a Polling Station During the Philippine Elections
Photograph of Richard Lugar outside of a polling station in the Philippines during the presidential elections. He is standing with a crowd of people...
Richard G. Lugar Election Packet
Cover of Richard G. Lugar's election packet that he received as an observer to the Philippine presidential election.
Resource Book: The Philippines' 1986 Election for President and Vice...
Cover of Special Report No. 137 prepared by the United States Department of State on the 1986 Philippine presidential election.
Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate...
Title page of a report submitted by the Center for Democracy to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on the Philippine presidential election process.
Report to the President of the United States of America...
Title page of a report prepared by the Center for Democracy for the President of the United States on the Philippine presidential election process.
The Presidential Election Process in the Philippines: A Report
Cover of printed version of a report submitted to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the Center for Democracy regarding the Philippine election...