BSI Dinners: Some Later Years

BSI Dinner Menu and Photograph, January 10, 1992

BSI Dinner menu and photograph, 1992.

BSI Dinner, 1992

In 1991 at the annual cocktail reception on the Saturday of the BSI Weekend, BSI leader Tom Stix announced the investitures of six women members: Dame Jean Conan Doyle, Evelyn A. Herzog, Katherine McMahon, Edith Meisner, Susan Rice, and Julia Carlson Rosenblatt. Three of these women are pictured in the 1992 dinner photo: Herzog (142), Rice (41), and Rosenblatt (45).

Herzog had loved the Sherlock Holmes stories since childhood, and while at Albertus Magnus College, she organized a group of fellow students to discuss the stories and novels. The group corresponded with prominent Sherlockians, and in 1968, picketed the annual BSI dinner to protest the exclusion of women. That same year, Herzog and others founded the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes (ASH), now the oldest women's Sherlockian society. 

BSI Dinners Later Years