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Hall, H.U. "A Congo Fetish or Divine Imaging from the...
An article about the Congolese statuettes on display at the University Museum.
African Arts/Arts d'Afrique. A Portfolio of Congolese Art. African...
Contains 12 color photographs of Congolese art, with descriptions on the back in English and French.
Lopez, Raul A. African Congo Sculpture. Museum of Cultural History...
Description of art pieces in an exhibit by UCLA's Satellite Museum Program.
Merriam, Alan P. The Bala (Basongye) musician.
Paper prepared for the Conference on the Traditional Artist in African Society, May 28-30, 1965, Lake Tahoe, California
Italiaander, Rolf. The Graphic Artists of Poto-Poto.
Presented at the First International Congress of Africanists, 11-18 Dec. 1962
L'observateur congolais: bimensuel d'information et d'opinion. Brazzaville.
no. 008. November 6, 1996