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S.J.T. as 'Me Facing Both Ways'
"S.J.T. as 'Me Facing Both Ways,'" 1876. Reprinted from Harper's Weekly, August 26, 1876.
Of course He wants to Vote the Democratic Ticket
"Of course He wants to Vote the Democratic Ticket," 1876. Reprinted from Harper's Weekly, October 21, 1876.
She Knows How She Got Her Vote
"She Knows How She Got Her Vote." Reprinted from Review of Reviews, October, 1920. Courtesy of Milwaukee Sentinel.
Ograbme, or The American Snapping-turtle
"Ograbme, or The American Snapping-turtle," 1807. Reprinted with permission from The American Past.
To The Grave Go Sham Protectors of Free Trade and...
"To The Grave Go Sham Protectors of Free Trade and Sailors' Rghts - And All The People Say, 'Amen,'" 1814. Collection Prints...
Landon and Knox in Fire Truck
"Landon and Knox in Fire Truck," Reprinted with permission from Contest for Power, p. 195.
Strain every nerve, our sinking cause to save
"Strain Every Nerve, our Sinking Cause to Save," "Remarks on the Jacobiniad," 1795, J. S. J. Gardiner, Boston, reprinted from A History of American...