1A-1066488 Anonymous, cartoon, Bickerstaff's Boston Almanack, or Federal calendar for 1788, 1788, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 35.
1B-1066489 Artist unknown, cartoon, 1797, The Times, a Political Portrait, The New York Historical Society, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 41.
1C-1066490 Artist unknown, cartoon, 1836, reprinted from History of the United States: for the Use of Schools and Academies, by John Frost (Philadelphia: Edward C. Biddle, 1837).
2A-1066484 Artist unknown, "A Peep into the Anti-Federalist Club," cartoon, 1793, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 21.
3A-1066487 Anonymous, cartoon, Remarks on the Jacobiniad, 1795, J. S. J. Gardiner, Boston, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 40.
3B-1066485 Anonymous, "Strain Every Nerve, our Sinking Cause to Save," cartoon, "Remarks on the Jacobiniad," 1795, J. S. J. Gardiner, Boston, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 40.
4A-1066486 Artist unknown, "The Providential Detection," cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 32.
4B-1066491 Anonymous, 'Mad Tom in a Rage," cartoon, c. 1800, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 48.
5A-1066492 Artist unknown, "Look on this Picture and on This," cartoon, 1807, The New York Historical Society, The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 by Thomas C. Blaisdell, Peter Selz, and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 47.
5B-1066493 Artist unknown, cartoon, 1804, New York Public Library.
6A-1066494 Alexander Anderson, "Ograbme, or The American Snapping-turtle," cartoon, 1807, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 51.
6B-1066495 Alexander Anderson, "To the Grave Go Sham Protectors of Free Trade and Sailors' Rights--And All The People Say, 'Amen,'" cartoon (wood engraving, 7 1/2" x 4 3/4"), 1814, Collection Prints Division, The New York Public Library, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 53.
7A-1066496 Artist unknown, "Madison and Gerry. Free Trade and Sailor's Rights. No Base Submission. Peace on Honorable Terms," poster, reprinted from James Madison, Founding Fathers, by Sidney H. Gay (1884; New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1970) 329. See original for question about permission.
7B-1066497 William Charles, "The Present State of Our Country," cartoon, 1812, reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
8A-1066498 William Charles, "The Hartford Convention, or Leap no Leap," cartoon, 1814, reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
9A-1066499 Artist unknown, broadside, reprinted from Daniel D. Tompkins: Governor of New York and Vice President of the United States, by Ray W. Irvin (New York: New York Historical Society, 1968) 226.
10A-1066500 D. C. Johnston, "The Foot Race," cartoon, 1824, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 75.
10B-1066501 Anonymous, "The Five Aspirants," cartoon, 1824, reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 62.
11A-1066502 Artist unknown, "The Coffin Handbill," cartoon, 1828, John Binns, pub., reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 79.
11B-1066503 Anonymous, "Jackson is to be President," cartoon, 1828, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 78.
11C-1066504 Artist unknown, "The Pedlar and His Pack, or the Desperate Effort, an Overbalance," cartoon, 1828, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 37.
12A-1066505 H. R. Robinson, "General Jackson Slaying the Many-Headed Monster," cartoon, 1836, Library of Congress, 1836, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 65.
12B-1066506 D. C. Johnston, "Race over Uncle Sam's Course," cartoon, 1833, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 122.
12C-1066507 H. R. Robinson, "A Political Game of Brag," cartoon, 1831, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons , by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 37.
12D-1066508 Artist unknown, "King Andrew the First," cartoon, c. 1831, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 92.
12E-1066509 Anonymous, "Uncle Sam In Danger," cartoon, 1832, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 130.
12F-1066510 D. C. Johnston, "Symptoms of a Locked Jaw," cartoon, 1834, Library of Congress, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 121.
13A-1066511 Artist unknown, "Whig Candidates for the Presidency, or Trying on the Whig," cartoon, 1837, John Lawrence, pub. , reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
13B-1066512 Edward Clay, "Grand Match Between the Kinderhook Poney and the Ohio Plowman," cartoon, 1836, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
13C-1066513 Artist unknown, "Set to Between the Champion Old Tip and the Swell Dutchman of Kinderhook," cartoon, 1836, H.R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
13D-1066514 Artist unknown, "The Democratic Ticket," cartoon, 1836, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 50.
13E-1066515 Artist unknown, "The Rejected Minister," cartoon, 1836, H. Anstice, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
13F-1066516 Artist unknown, "The Modern Balaam and his Ass," cartoon, 1837, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon (Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1976) 35.
14A-1066517 Artist unknown, "Weighed and Found Wanting," cartoon, 1840, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
14B-1066518 Artist unknown, "The North Bend Farmer and His Visitors," cartoon, 1840, H. R. Robinson, pub, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
14C-1066519 Edward Clay, "Political Jugglers Losing Their Balance," cartoon, 1840, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
14D-1066520 Artist unknown, "Granny Harrison Delivering the Country of the Executive Federalist," cartoon, 1840, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon (Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1976) 68.
14E-1066521 Artist unknown, "A Hard Road to Hoe; or the White House Turnpike Macadamized by the North Benders," cartoon, 1840, Huestis and Co., pub., reprinted from the collections of the Library of Congress.
14F-1066522 Artist unknown, "Keep the ball rolling" (Ball with slogans for "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" which was rolled down the streets of Baltimore in a parade), cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 105.
15A-1066523 Artist unknown, "Political Climbing Boys," cartoon, c. 1844, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons , by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 57.
15B-1066524 Artist unknown, "The Great American Steeplechase for 1844," cartoon, 1844, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 63.
15C-1066525 Artist unknown, "Cleansing the Augean Stable," cartoon, 1844, J. Baillie, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
15D-1066526 H. Bucholzer, "The Race Course," cartoon, 1844, H. Bucholzer, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
15E-1066527 Artist unknown, "James K. Polk Going Through Pennsylvania for the Tariff," cartoon, 1844, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
15F-1066528 Artist unknown, "Political Cock Fighters," cartoon, 1844, J. Baillie, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
15G-1066529 Edward Clay, "The Polka--A New National Dance Adopted by the Democratic Convention," cartoon, 1844, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
16A-1066530 Artist unknown, "A War President," cartoon, 1848, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
16B-1066531 Artist unknown, cartoon, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 122.
16C-1066532 Hinckley, "The Slighted Spinsters," cartoon, 1848, reprinted from John Donkey, 10 June 1848.
16D-1066533 Artist unknown, "The Assassination of the Sage of Ashland," cartoon, 1848, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
16E-1066534 Artist unknown, "Whig Harmony," cartoon, 1848, J. Baillie, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Library of Congress.
16F-1066535 Artist unknown, "An Available Candidate, The One Qualification of a Whig President," cartoon, 1848, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 40.
16G-1066536 Artist unknown, "Marriage of the Free Soil and Liberty Parties," cartoon, 1848, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from Political Cartoons in the 1848 Election Campaign by Anne Marie Serio (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972) 11.
16H-1066537 Artist unknown, "The Modern Colossus, Eighth Wonder of the World," cartoon, 1848, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Library of Congress.
16I-1066538 Artist unknown, "Fording Salt River," cartoon, 1848, J. Baillie, pub., reprinted from Political Cartoons in the 1848 Election Campaign by Anne Marie Serio (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972) 18.
16J-1066539 Artist unknown, "The Buffalo Hunt," cartoon, 1848, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from Political Cartoons in the 1848 Election Campaign by Anne Marie Serio (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972) 14.
16K-1066540 Artist unknown, "The Strife Between an Old Hunker, a Barnburner, and a No-Party Man," cartoon, 1848, H. R. Robinson, pub., reprinted from Political Cartoons in the 1848 Election Campaign by Anne Marie Serio (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972) 15.
16L-1066541 Artist unknown, "The Presidential Fishing Party of 1848," cartoon, 1848, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from Political Cartoons in the 1848 Election Campaign by Anne Marie Serio (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1972) 18.
17A-1066542 David C. Johnston, "April Fools," cartoon, 1852, The Old Soldier, New York Historical Society. More info?
17B-1066543 Artist unknown, "Fuss and Feathers, or a Bad Egg," cartoon, 1852, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 47.
17C-1066544 Artist unknown, "The Game-Cock and the Goose," cartoon, 1852, J.L. Magee, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
17D-1066545 Artist unknown, "Social Qualities of our Candidate," cartoon, 1852, John Childs, pub., reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 65.
17E-1066546 Artist unknown, "Position of the Democratic Party in 1852," cartoon (lithograph), 1852, Library of Congress, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 83.
17F-1066547 Artist unknown, "A Contested Seat," cartoon, 1852, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
17G-1066548 Artist unknown, "Pap, Soup, and Chowder," cartoon, 1852, J. L. Magee, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
18A-1066549 Louis Maurer, "A Servicable Garment," cartoon, 1856, reprinted from A Cartoon History of United States Foreign Policy, by the editors of the Foreign Policy Administration (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1975) 25.
18B-1066550 Artist unknown, "The Right Man for the Right Place," cartoon, 1856, Peter Smith, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
18C-1066551 Anonymous, "Liberty, The Fair Maid of Kansas in the Hands of the Border Ruffians," cartoon, 1856, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 191.
18D-1066552 Artist unknown, "The Democratic Platform," cartoon, 1856, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
18E-1066553 Artist unknown, "The Presidential Campaign of '56," cartoon, 1856, John Fahnstock, pub., reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 154.
18F-1066554 Artist unknown, "The Candidates," cartoon, 1856, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 149.
18G-1066555 Louis Maurer, "The Great Republican Reform Party Calling on their Candidate," cartoon, 1856, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19A-1066556 Louis Maurer, "The National Game," cartoon, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19B-1066557 Artist unknown, "Political Blondins Crossing Salt River," cartoon, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19C-1066558 Artist unknown, "Dividing the National Map," cartoon, 1860, reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19D-1066959 Artist unknown, "Progressive Democracy--Prospect for a Smash Up," cartoon, 1860, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19E-1066960 Artist unknown, "The Great Exhibition of 1860," cartoon, 1860, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 221.
19F-1066961 Louis Maurer, "The Rail Candidate," cartoon, 1860, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
19G-1066962 Louis Maurer, "Storming the Castle," cartoon, 1860, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from Abraham Lincoln: The Year of His Election, by Albert Shaw (New York: Review of Reviews, 1929) 93.
19H-1066963 Artist unknown, "The Republican Party Going To The Right House," cartoon, 1860, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 221.
19I-1066964 Artist unknown, "The Political Rail Splitter," cartoon, 1860, J. Leach, pub., reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 87.
20A-1066965 Artist unknown, "Politicians Measuring Lincoln's Shoes," cartoon, 1864, H. H. Lloyd and Co., reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
20B-1066966 Artist unknown, "Now Marshal, sing us Picayune Butler or something else that's funny," cartoon, 1864, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 111.
20C-1066967 Artist unknown, "This Reminds me of a Little Joke," cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 176.
20D-1066968 Howard Dal, "I Knew Him Horatio, A Fellow of Infinite Jest..." cartoon, 1864, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
20E-1066969 Artist unknown, "Little Mac's Double Feat of Equitation," cartoon, 1864, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 226.
21A-1066970 Thomas Nast, "Both Sides of the Question," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 24 Oct 1868.
21B-1066971 Thomas Nast, "This is a White Man's Government," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 5 Sep 1868.
21C-1066972 Thomas Nast, "Matched," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 13 Oct 1868.
21D-1066973 J. Cameron, "A Man of Words, A Man of Deeds, Which Do You Think The Country Needs?" cartoon, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 117.
21E-1066974 J. Cameron, "The Radical Party on a Heavy Grade," cartoon, 1868, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 267.
21F-1066975 Artist unknown, "Patriotism vs. Bummerism," cartoon, 1868, reprinted from the collections of the New York Historical Society.
22A-1066976 Artist unknown, "Splitting the Party," cartoon, 1872, reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 265.
22B-1066977 Thomas Nast, "The Next in Order--Any Thing! Oh, Any Thing!" cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 14 Sep 1872.
22C-1066978 Thomas Nast, "Greeley in a Forgiving Mood," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 3 Aug 1872.
22D-1066979 Thomas Nast, "It Is Only A Truce To Regain Power," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 24 Aug 1872.
22E-1066980 Thomas Nast, "Let us Clasp Hands Over the Bloody Chasm," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 21 Sep 1872.
22F-1066981 Thomas Nast, "Clasping Hands over the Bloodless (Sar)-C(h)asm," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 23 Nov 1872.
22G-1066982 Thomas Nast, "Bitter Pill," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 28 Sep 1872.
22H-1066983 Thomas Nast, "Anything For Revenge," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 27 July 1872.
22I-1066984 Thomas Nast, "The Whited Sepulchre," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 7 Sep 1872.
22J-1066985 Thomas Nast, "The Republic is not Ungrateful," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 13 Apr 1872.
22K-1066986 J. Cameron, "A Nice Family Party," cartoon, 1872, Currier and Ives, pub., Survey Graphic 241.
22L-1066987 Matt Morgan, "Our Modern Balshazzar," cartoon (wood engraving), University of Chicago Library, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 6 Apr 1872. Reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 115.
22M-1066988 Artist unknown, "The End of a Long Branch," cartoon, 1872, Currier and Ives, pub., reprinted from the collections of the New York Public Library.
22N-1066989 Artist unknown, "A Popular Verdict," cartoon, 1872, reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 263.
22P-1066990 Thomas Nast, "Get Thee Behind Me, (Mrs.) Satan," cartoon, 1872, Harper's Weekly 17 Feb 1872.
23A-1066991 A. B. Frost, "S.J.T. as 'Me Facing Both Ways,'" cartoon, 1876, Harper's Weekly 26 Aug 1876.
23B-1066992 Thomas Nast, "The Elastic Democratic (Deformed) Tiger," cartoon, 1876, Harper's Weekly 5 Aug 1876.
23C-1066993 A. B. Frost, "Of course He Wants to Vote the Democratic Ticket," cartoon, 1876, Harper's Weekly 21 Oct 1876.
23D-1066994 Thomas Nast, "One Vote Less," cartoon, 1868, Harper's Weekly 8 Aug 1868.
23E-1066995 Thomas Nast, "A Truce--Not a compromise..." cartoon, 1877, Harper's Weekly, 17 Feb 1877.
24A-1066996 James Wales, "15-14-13--The Great Presidential Puzzle," cartoon, Puck, reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 105.
24B-1066997 Joseph Keppler, "Puck wants 'A Strong Man at the Head of Government'--But Not This Kind," cartoon, 1880, Puck, reprinted in A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 129.
24C-1066998 Thomas Nast, "A Local Question," cartoon, 1880, Harper's Weekly 13 Nov 1880.
24D-1066999 W. A. Rogers, "Transfusion of Blood--Is It Too Late?" cartoon, 1880, Harper's Weekly 2 Oct 1880.
24E-1067000 Joseph Keppler, "Forbidding the Banns," cartoon, 1880, Puck 25 Aug 1880.
25A-1067001 Thomas Nast, "The Great American Game of Public Office for Private Gain," cartoon, 1884, Harper's Weekly 9 Aug 1884.
25B-1067002 Thomas Nast, "The Issue of Protection to American Labor," cartoon, 1884, Harper's Weekly 20 Sep 1884.
25C-1067003 Thomas Nast, "Is This 'The True American Policy?'" cartoon, 1884, Harper's Weekly 26 July 1884.
25D-1067004 Thomas Nast, "The Magnetic Blaine," cartoon, 1880, Harper's Weekly 8 May 1880.
25E-1067005 Joseph Keppler, "The Writing on the Wall," cartoon, 1884, Puck, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944).
25F-1067006 Bernhard Gillam, "The National Dime-Museum will be Run During the Presidential Campaign," cartoon, 1884, Puck, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 78.
25G-1067007 Grant Hamilton, "Please Don't Look Behind The Screen," cartoon, 1884, Puck, reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 92.
25H-1067008 Frank Beard, "I Want My Papa," cartoon, 1884, Judge, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 239.
25I-1067009 Bernhard Gillam, "Tell the Truth," cartoon, 1884, Puck, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 238.
25J-1067010 Artist unknown, "Parade of Men Mocking Candidacy of Belva Lockwood," cartoon, 1884, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 217.
26A-1067011 Joseph Keppler, "A Hydra That Must Be Crushed And The Sooner The Better," cartoon, 1888, Judge, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 161.
26B-1067012 Bernhard Gillam, "The Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs," cartoon, 1888, Judge, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 161.
26C-1067013 Grant Hamilton, "A Doubtful Outlook," cartoon, 1888, reprinted from World's Work.
27A-1067014 Joseph Keppler, "None by Millionaires Need Apply," cartoon, 1890, Puck, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 170.
27B-1067015 Joseph Keppler, "The Harrison Platform," cartoon, 1892, Puck, reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 320.
27C-1067016 Bernhard Gillam, "The Political Columbus Who Will Not Land in 1892," cartoon, 1892, Judge, reprinted from History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature and Cartoon, by Arthur B. Maurice and Frederic T. Cooper (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1970) 314.
27D-1067019 Artist unknown, "General Weaver's War Record," poster, 1892, National Democratic Committee, more info 27E-1067020 Frederick Opper, cartoon, 1892, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 125.
27F-1067021 Joseph Keppler, "The Raven," cartoon, 1890, Puck 13 Aug 1890.
27G-1067022 Joseph Keppler, "Where is He?" cartoon, 1890, Puck, reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 109.
27H-1067023 Bernhard Gillam, "Where Am I At?" cartoon, Judge, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 118.
28A-1067024 Artist unknown, "You Shall Not Crucify Mankind upon a Cross of Gold," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 132.
28B-1067025 Grant Hamilton, "Balked," cartoon, 1896, Judge 12 Sep 1896.
28C-1067026 W. A. Rogers, "Mighty Experiment," cartoon, 1896, Harper's Weekly 29 Aug 1896.
28D-1067027 Artist unknown, "The Deadly Parallel," cartoon, 1896, Harper's Weekly 22 Aug 1896.
28E-1067028 Victor Gillam, "The Sliding Scale," cartoon, 1962, Judge, reprinted from American Heritage June 1962:52-53.
28F-1067029 Artist unknown, "Little Billy Bryan Chasing Butterflies," cartoon, 1896, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 273.
28G-1067030 Homer Davenport, "A Man of Mark," cartoon, 1896, New York Journal, reprinted from A Century of Political Cartoons by Allan Nevins and Frank Weitenkampf (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944) 181 (part 1).
28H-1067031 Homer Davenport, "A Man of Mark," cartoon, 1896, New York Journal, reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 109 (part 2).
29A-1067032 W. A. Rogers, "A Too Continuous Performance," cartoon, 1900, Harper's Weekly 12 May 1900.
29B-1067033 Eugene Zimmerman, "Trade Follows The Hag, But The Democrats Follow The Fool," cartoon, 1900, Judge, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 135.
29C-1067034 W. A. Rogers, "About Run Down," cartoon, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 128.
29D-1067035 Artist unknown, "Trying to Paint Out the Old Sign," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 11 August 1900.
29E-1067036 Joseph Keppler, "Another Explosion at Hand," cartoon, 1900, Puck Sep 1900.
29F-1067037 Victor Gillam, "Don Quixote Bryan Meets Disaster In His Fight Against Judge's Full Dinner Pail," cartoon, Judge, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 126.
29G-1067038 Artist unknown, "4 Years More of Me and Mac," cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 289.
29H-1067039 Artist unknown, cartoon, The Verdict 17 Sep 1900.
29I-1067040 Frederick Opper, cartoon, Puck, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 288.
29J-1067041 Frederick Opper, cartoon, Puck, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 288.
30A-1067042 W. A. Rogers, "Big Stick" endangering the "Full Dinner Pail," cartoon, Harper's Weekly, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 141.
30B-1067043 Maybee, "Design For An Historical Tablet," cartoon, 1904, The New York Brooklyn Eagle, reprinted from Review of Reviews Aug 1904.
30C-1067044 Artist unknown, "Choosing a Chauffer (sic)," cartoon, 1904, The New York American, reprinted from Review of Reviews Aug 1904.
30D-1067045 Artist unknown, "Never Swap Pilots While Crossing a Stream," cartoon, reprinted from A Cartoon History of Roosevelt's Career, by Albert Shaw (New York: Review of Reviews Company, 1910) 105.
30E-1067046 Artist unknown, "One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison," cartoon, 1904, Baltimore News , reprinted from Review of Reviews Oct 1904.
30F-1067047 Homer Davenport, "He's Good Enough For Me," cartoon, The New York Evening Mail , reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, by William Murrell (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 136.
30G-1067048 Charles Macauley, "He's Good Enough For Me," cartoon, New York World , reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 132.
30H-1067049 L. C. Gregg, "For President!" photographic reproduction of published version of the cartoon that appeared in The Atlanta Constitution, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 151.
31A-1067050 Joseph Keppler, "Why Don't You Speak For Yourself, Theodore?" cartoon, 1907, Puck Sep 1907.
31B-1067051 Artist unknown, "The Presidential Handicap," cartoon, 1904, The Atlantic Constitution reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1904.
31C-1067054 Tom Fleming, "The Enthroned Hog," poster, reprinted from If Elected...:Presidential Campaigns from Lincoln to Ford, as Reported by the New York Times, by Arlene Keylin and Eve Nelson (New York: Arno Press, 1976) 23.
31D-1067055 Enrico Caruso, Theodore Roosevelt caricature, "La Follia di New York", reprinted from The Ungentlemanly Art, by Stephen Hess and Milton Kaplan (New York: Macmillan, 1972) 23.
32A-1067056 Karl Knecht, "There You Are Bill | Come On Hand it Back," cartoon, reprinted from Today's Cartoons, by John Churchill Chase (New Orleans: Hauser Press, 1962).
32B-1067057 Edward Kemble, "Who Said Taft?" cartoon, New York Sun 2 April 1912.
32C-1067058 Artist unknown, "All My Own (Bull Moose Party)," cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 345.
32D-1067059 Artist unknown, "The Single Term," cartoon, 1912, New York Sun June 1912.
32E-1067060 Edward Kemble, "All Hail!" cartoon, 1912, Harper's Weekly 4 May 1912.
32F-1067061 Artist unknown, "Having a Bully Time," cartoon, 1912, Harper's Weekly 30 Mar 1912.
32G-1067062 Artist unknown, "Down With The Bosses," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 1 June 1912.
32H-1067063 Fergus Kyle, "The Professor: 'We'll take this lesson again To-morrow, and the Next Day After That," cartoon, Toronto Globe, reprinted from Review of Reviews Aug 1912.
32I-1067064 Nash, "Columbia," cartoon, Detroit Journal, reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1912.
32J-1067065 E. W. Kemble, "Say, Debs, He's Hooked Everything that Belonged to Me..." cartoon, 1912, Harper's Weekly, 21 Sep 1912.
33A-1067066 J. N. Darling, "The First Real Haircut The Boy Has Ever Had," cartoon, Des Moines Register and Leader, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Oct 1916.
33B-1067067 J. Campbell Cory, "A Republican Ballad," cartoon, 1916, Chicago Journal, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Nov 1916.
33C-1067068 John H. Cassel, "A Leaky Umbrella," cartoon, 1916, New York Evening World, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine, Aug 1916.
33D-1067069 Artist unknown, "Safety First," cartoon, reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1916.
33E-1067070 Artist unknown, "Mr. Hughes Will Stand On The Platform," cartoon, reprinted from Review of Reviews July 1916.
33F-1067071 Rollin Kirby, "His New Masters," cartoon, 1916, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Aug 1916.
34A-1067072 Rollin Kirby, "The Canned Candidate In Action," cartoon, New York World , reprinted from Highlights: A Cartoon History of the Nineteen Twenties, by Rollin Kirby and Henry B. Hoffman (New York: W. F. Payson, 1931) 13.
34B-1067073 H. Webster, "Say, Where d' Ya Want This?" cartoon, 1920, Life 28 Oct 1920.
34C-1067074 Artist unknown, "Cox Raising League of Nations Flag," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 1920.
34D-1067075 Artist unknown, "America First," cartoon, Harper's Weekly 1920.
34E-1067076 Artist unknown, "Senator Johnson and Mr. Taft On The Same Platform," cartoon, Dallas News, reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1920.
34F-1067077 Artist unknown, "Will It Hold?" cartoon, St. Louis Star, reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1920.
34G-1067078 Brown, "The Political Ouija," cartoon, Chicago Daily News, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Sep 1920.
34H-1067079 John T. McCutcheon, "An Awkward Moment For Mother," cartoon, Chicago Tribune, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Sep 1920.
34I-1067080 John F. Knott, "The Two Adams," cartoon, Dallas News, reprinted from Cartoons Magazine Nov 1920.
34J-1067081 Albert T. Reid, "She Knows How She Got Her Vote," cartoon, Milwaukee Sentinel, reprinted from Review of Reviews Oct 1920.
34K-1067082 Claude Shafer, "The House Divided," cartoon, Cincinnati Post, reprinted from Review of Reviews Nov 1920.
34L-1067083 A.B. Frost, "On The Way to the Polls," cartoon, Life 14 Oct 1920.
35A-1067084 C.H. Sykes, cartoon, Life 2 Oct 1924.
35B-1067085 Artist unknown, "Mr. Davis Has Some Job On His Hands," cartoon, reprinted from Review of Reviews Sep 1924.
35C-1067086 Artist unknown, "Why Change The Pilot," cartoon, Democrat and Chronicle, reprinted from Review of Reviews Sep 1924.
35D-1067087 Rollin Kirby, "The Whirlwind Campaign," cartoon, New York World , reprinted from Highlights: A Cartoon History of the Nineteen Twenties, by Rollin Kirby and Henry B. Hoffman (New York: W. F. Payson, 1931) 47.
35E-1067088 Wahe, "There's Something Stirring In The Woods," cartoon, Sacramento Bee, reprinted from Review of Reviews 1924: 35.
35F-1067089 C. K. Berryman, "How Happy I Could Be With Either If They Let Me Run Things," cartoon, 1924, reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 113.
35G-1067090 C. K. Berryman, "Not Easily Mesmerized," cartoon, reprinted from If Elected. . .: Presidential Campaigns from Lincoln to Ford, as Reported by the New York Times, by Arlene Keylin, and Eve Nelson (New York: Arno Press, 1976) 34.
36A-1067091 Rollin Kirby, "Buck Up, You're A Noble Fellow," cartoon, New York Sun, reprinted from Highlights: A Cartoon History of the Nineteen Twenties, by Rollin Kirby and Henry B. Hoffman (New York: W. F. Payson, 1931) 87.
36B-1067092 Herbert Johnson, "Enforcement Plank," cartoon, reprinted from The American Past, by Roger Butterfield (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947) 397.
36C-1067093 Will E. Chapin, "The Music Master," cartoon, Public Ledger, reprinted from Review of Reviews 1928:27.
36D-1067094 Artist unknown, "Donkey and Elephant Duelling," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 181.
37A-1067095 Warren, "Rail-Splitting," cartoon, Public Ledger, reprinted from Review of Reviews Oct 1932.
37B-1067096 John Churchill Chase, "The Cheerleader,' cartoon, New Orleans Item, reprinted from Review of Reviews July 1932.
37C-1067097 Carey Orr, "Just One Eclipse After Another," cartoon, Chicago Tribune, reprinted from Review of Reviews Oct 1932.
37D-1067098 Rollin Kirby, "Tear Into 'Em Herbert," cartoon, 1932, reprinted from If Elected. . .: Presidential Campaigns from Lincoln to Ford, as Reported by the New York Times, by Arlene Keylin, and Eve Nelson (New York: Arno Press, 1976) 37.
38A-1067099 Alfred Panepinto, "Landon and Knox in Fire Truck," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 195.
38B-1067100 J. N. Darling, "Whistling Through The Graveyard," cartoon, New York Tribune, reprinted from Campaign of 1936 (citation--dissertation by Roy Banner?).
38C-1067101 John T. McCutcheon, "The West Is In The Saddle," cartoon, Chicago Tribune, reprinted from The Image of America in Caricature and Cartoon, by the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art (Fort Worth: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, 1975) 135.
38D-1067102 Carey Orr, "The Boys Started Something Way Back in '76," cartoon, Chicago Tribune, reprinted from Campaign of 1936. Citation.
38E-1067103 Rollin Kirby, "You Can't Scare Uncle Sam," cartoon, New York World , reprinted from Review of Reviews July 1936.
38F-1067104 Hugh Hutton, "The Campaign," cartoon, 1936, reprinted from A History of American Graphic Humor, (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933) 256.
38G-1067105 Carey Orr, "Boss Farley Is Shy On Ammunition," cartoon, Chicago Daily Tribune, reprinted from Review of Reviews July 1936.
39A-1067106 Paule Loring, "No Decrepit Old Nag Can Throw Me," cartoon, Providence Evening Bulletin, reprinted from Time 4 Nov 1940.
39B-1067107 William Gropper, "L'Etat, C'est Moi," cartoon, ink and acetate on paper 20 x 14 1/4, artist's collection, reprinted from The American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976 , by Thomas Blaisdell Jr., Peter Selz and Seminar (Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith, 1976) 201.
39C-1067108 Carl Gomdal, "National Emergency," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 196.
39D-1067109 Artist unknown, "No Third Term," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 196.
39E-1067110 C. D. Batchelor, "Wilkie as Big Business' Stooge," cartoon, New York Daily Times, reprinted from Time 4 Nov 1940.
39F-1067111 Rollin Kirby, "The Frustrated Salesman," cartoon, New York Post 18 Oct 1940.
39G-1067112 Daniel Fitzpatrick, "Most Popular Baby Of The Campaign," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, reprinted from A Cartoon History of United States Foreign Policy, by the editors of the Foreign Policy Administration (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1975) 79.
39H-1067113 Carey Orr, "Starting Too Late," cartoon, Chicago Tribune, reprinted from Time 4 Nov 1940.
40A-1067114 H. M. Talburt, "Letting The Cat Out Of The Cellophane Bag," cartoon, The New York World Telegram, reprinted from Life 1944.
40B-1067115 Rube Goldberg, "Comment On The Fourth Term Surprise," cartoon, The New York Sun, reprinted from Life 24 July 1944.
40C-1067116 Middleton, "Dewey in the Election Ring," cartoon, Birmingham Gazette, reprinted from The New Republic 9 Oct 1944.
40D-1067117 Stan McGovern, "Tommy, The Well Dressed Man," cartoon, The New York Post.
40E-1067118 Eric Godal, "I Will Never Divide America," cartoon, The New Republic 9 Oct 1944.
41A-1067119 Walt Kelly, "They're Off," cartoon, The New York Star 26 July 1948.
41B-1067120 Walt Kelly, "The Old Man Of The Sea Is Wading Ashore," cartoon, The New York Star 27 Oct 1948.
41C-1067121 Walt Kelly, "New Deal Hat Shop," cartoon, The New York Star 1 Nov 1948.
41D-1067122 Dorman Smith, "Look, No Hands!" cartoon, proofs supplied by NEA.
41E-1067123 Dorman Smith, "Look, No Victory!" cartoon, proofs supplied by NEA.
42A-1067124 Grover Page, "Ike Walton," cartoon, 1952, Courier Journal [Louisville] 12 Sep 1952.
42B-1067125 Gib Crockett, "And to the Left," cartoon, reprinted from Contest for Power: The Exciting Pictorial Story of the American Presidential Elections, the Personalities, the Issues, the Turning Points in U.S. Political History, from 1778 to the Present, by the Editors of News Front (New York: Year, Inc, 1968) 217.
42C-1067126 Grover Page, "What A Long Tail Our Kite Has," cartoon, 1952, Courier Journal [Louisville] 23 Sep 1952.
42D-1067127 Grover Page, "Put, Damned Spot," cartoon, 1952, Courier Journal [Louisville] 24 Sep 1952.
43A-1067128 Grover Page, "White Elephant," cartoon, 1956, Courier Journal [Louisville] 19 Sep 1956.
43B-1067129 Grover Page, "Useful As Well As Ornamental," cartoon, 1956, Courier Journal [Louisville] 19 Sep 1956.
43C-1067130 Charles Werner, "They Did Put Humpty-Dumpty Together Again," cartoon, The Indianapolis Star, reprinted from American Political Cartoons 1865-1965, by Martin H. Bush (Syracuse: The Manuscript Collections, Carnegie Library, Syracuse University,1966) 24.
43D-1067131 Daniel Fitzpatrick, "Good Course To Steer By," cartoon, 1956, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, reprinted from Time 15 Oct 1956.
44A-1067133 Jacob Burck, "Glad to See they're Finally Coming to Grips," cartoon, reprinted from Chicago Sun-Times.
44B-1067134 Charles O. Bissell, "Let me make it clear Where I Stand?" cartoon, The Tennessean [Nashville], reprinted from Today's Cartoons, by John Churchill Chase (New Orleans: Hauser Press, 1962).
44C-1067135 Robert Osborn, "The Image Of Nixon Isn't Entirely Clear," cartoon, New Republic 3 Oct 1960.
44D-1067136 Robert Osborn, "Nixon Being Prepared For The High Road," cartoon, New Republic 26 Sep 1960.
44E-1067137 Robert Osborn, "The Next Thing You Know, He'll be Talking about 'Exchequer' his Dog," cartoon, New Republic 7 Nov 1960.
44F-1067138 Bill Mauldin, "Anything Rubbing Off?" cartoon, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, reprinted from What's Got Your Back Up? by Bill Mauldin (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1961) 93.
45A-1067139 Jules Feiffer, "Why Can't There Be..." cartoon, The Village Voice 10 Sep 1964.
45B-1067140 Bill Mauldin, "Is He Leaning on it, or Holding it Up?" cartoon, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, reprinted from proofs supplied by artist.
45C-1067141 Scott Long, "Barry with the Ten Commandments," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 37.
45D-1067142 Scott Long, "Honest Abe, It's Better This Way," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 30.
45E-1067143 Bill Mauldin, "And How Would You Describe Your Domestic Policy, Sen. Goldwater," cartoon, reprinted from proofs supplied by artist.
45F-1067144 Scott Long, "Now Put One Foot Behind The Other," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 29.
45G-1067145 John R. Fischetti, "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor. . ." cartoon, reprinted from Zinga Zinga Za, by John R. Fischetti (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973). Enough? See original.
45H-1067146 Scott Long, "Hang Around till Next Fall...We're Planning a Big, Texas-style Barbecue," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 22.
45I-1067147 Scott Long, "We don't Sling Mud Anymore... We Put it in Paperbacks," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 39.
46A-1067148 Don Wright, "My H-H-H Bomb," cartoon, reprinted from Wright On, by Don Wright (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971) 91.
46B-1067149 Jules Feiffer, "Hubert Humphrey Heads," cartoon, The Village Voice 26 Sep 1968.
46C-1067150 John R. Fischetti, "If I Didn't See It with my Own Eyes, I Wouldn't Believe It," cartoon, reprinted from Zinga Zinga Za, by John R. Fischetti (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973).
46D-1067151 Scott Long, "We Went Down The List Alphabetically," cartoon, Star and Tribune [Minneapolis], reprinted from Hey, Hey, LBJ! by Scott Long (Minneapolis: Ken Sorenson Printing, Inc., 1969) 143.
46E-1067152 David Levine, "The Ticket," cartoon, reprinted fromNo Known Survivors: David Levine's Political Plank,/u>, by John Kenneth Galbraith (Boston: Gambit, Inc., 1970) 23.
46F-1067153 Don Wright, "Why Does Everybody Do That When I Introduce You as the Next Vice-President of the United States?" cartoon, reprinted from Wright On, by Don Wright (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971) 78.
46G-1067154 Don Wright, "Wallace Platform," cartoon, reprinted from Wright On, by Don Wright (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971) 88.
46H-1067155 Jules Feiffer, "Aging Heads," cartoon, The Village Voice 1 Aug 1968.
47A-1067156 Jules Feiffer, "Paul Pundit, Peter Pollster, and Eric Expert," cartoon, The Village Voice 6 July 1972.
47B-1067157 John R. Fischetti, "It Vanished Quite Slowly..." cartoon, reprinted from Zinga Zinga Za, by John R. Fischetti (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973).
47C-1067158 Pat Oliphant, "How Can You Electioneer This close to the Polling Booth?" cartoon, reprinted from Four More Years, by Pat Oliphant (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973).
47D-1067159 Bill Andrews, "Can I Count on Your Support--Four More Years?" cartoon, reprinted from proofs supplied by The Daily World.
47E-106760 Ranan Lurie, "Hitting the Bull's Eye," cartoon, reprinted from NiXon Rated Cartoons, by Ranan Lurie (New York: Quadrangle, 1973) 264-265 (slide 1).
47E2-1067174 Ranan Lurie, "Hitting the Bull's Eye," cartoon, reprinted from NiXon Rated Cartoons, by Ranan Lurie (New York: Quadrangle, 1973) 264-265 (slide 2).
47F-1067161 Pat Oliphant, "Can We Get Rid of Whatsisname Before He Becomes a Household Word?" cartoon, reprinted from Four More Years, by Pat Oliphant (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973).
47G-1067162 John R. Fischetti, cartoon, reprinted from Zinga Zinga Za, by John R. Fischetti (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973).
47H-1067163 Pat Oliphant, "I'll See You In November," cartoon, reprinted from Four More Years, by Pat Oliphant (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973) 147.
47I-1067164 Richard Hess, "The Peaceable Kingdom," reprinted from slide provided by artist.
47J-1067165 Garry Trudeau, cartoon, reprinted from proofs supplied by the artist and Universal Press Syndicate, 1972.
47K-1067166 Garry Trudeau, cartoon, reprinted from proofs supplied by the artist and Universal Press Syndicate, 1972.
47L-1067167 John R. Fischetti, "Halt the Erosion of Moral Fiber in American Life and the Denial of Individual Accountability for Individual Action--President Nixon", cartoon, reprinted from Zinga Zinga Za, by John R. Fischetti (Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1973).
47M-1067168 Bill Andrews, "Spying on You? That's Absurd!!" cartoon, from proofs supplied by The Daily World.
47N1-1067169 Ranan Lurie, "Mr. Politician," cartoon, reprinted from NiXon Rated Cartoons, by Ranan Lurie (New York: Quadrangle, 1973) 272 (part 1).
47N2-1067170 Ranan Lurie, "Mr. Politician," cartoon, reprinted from NiXon Rated Cartoons, by Ranan Lurie (New York: Quadrangle, 1973) 272 (part 2).
47P-1067171 Jules Feiffer, "Elitism in Politics," cartoon, The Village Voice 24 Aug 1972.
47Q-1067175 Richard Hess, "The Great GOP Middle of the Road Show," reprinted from slide provided by the artist.
47R-1067172 Ollie Harrington, "Salome," reprinted from proof supplied by The Daily World.
48A-1067173 Pat Oliphant, "I Understand," cartoon, reprinted from Indiana Daily Student [Bloomington], 28 Sep 1976.
48B-1067176 S. Harris, cartoon, reprinted from Indiana Daily Student [Bloomington], 30 Sep 1976.
48C-1067177 Edward Sorel, cartoon, The Village Voice 25 Oct 1976.
48D-1067178 Paul Conrad, cartoon, Los Angeles Times 5 Oct 1976.
48E-1067179 Bill Sanders, cartoon, Chicago Sun-Times 28 Sep 1976.
48F-1067180 reprinted from proofs supplied by The Daily World.
48G-1067181 Bill Sanders, cartoon, Chicago Sun-Times 21 Sep 1976. Courtesy Field Syndicate.
48H-1067182 Mike Peters, cartoon, The Washington Post 8 Oct 1976. Courtesy of the Dayton Daily News.
48I-1067183 Edward Sorel, cartoon, The Village Voice 4 Oct 1976.
48J-1067184 Paul Conrad, cartoon, Los Angeles Times 7 Oct 1976.
48K-1067185 Tony Auth, cartoon, The Philadelphia Inquirer, reprinted from The Washington Post 16 Oct 1976.