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[Mandinka]: elements of language teaching. N.d.
Distributed by the Peace Corps in Gambia (?). Mimeographed lessons (in manila folder).
Tourism and Travel Associations of the Gambia. Guide to the...
3 Issues.
Guidebook by the Tourism and Travel Association Gambia. Includes information about The Gambia, excursions, history, music and culture.
Gamble, David P. Gambian Items in the Adan E. Treganza...
Illustrations by Darcy Paige.
Folder 30
People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism. PDOIS' Congress 1998....
No. 1 On the structure of party branches and their regulations. No. 4 PDOIS' youth policy and programme of action. No. 7 PDOIS on...
Weil, Peter M. Mandinka adaptation to colonial rule in the...
From Cultures et developpement: revue internationale des sciences du developpement
Bafrow. Mandinaba: Bafrow's Model Village. New Type Press.
Millennium development goals, part of Vision 2020 at a glance in Mandinaba.
Tanje Village Museum. Traditional Art and Craft of The Gambia....
Introduction to the Tanje Village Museum and information about leatherwork, weaving, and dyeing in Gambia.