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Chitunda, Jeremias K. Angola: a global perspective and the strategy...
Statement to committee for Conference on Captive Nations, July 18, 1983.
Lijphart, Arend. Ingredients for a viable power-sharing system in Angola.
Paper for the Conference on "Prospects for National Reconciliation in Angola," U. S. Dept. of State, April 20, 1988
Marcum, John A. Southern Africa after the collapse of Portuguese...
In Helen Kitchen ed., Africa: From Mystery to Maze, Lexington: D. C. Heath, 1976, pp. 77-133
Castro, Fidel. Speech Made by the Prime Minister of Cuba,...
"The Victory in Angola was the twin sister of the victory at Giron. For the Yankee Imperialists, Angola represents an African Giron."
Angola Election Flyers for MPLA Candidates
MPLA flyer for Joao Lourenco for president
MPLA flyer of biography of Joao Lourenco
Resume of Bornito de Sousa Baltazar Diogo
Resume of Joao Lourenco