The Parlor Exhibit: Separation through Union


The Parlor Exhibit: Separation through Union


This is the Wylie House Museum's Three Wylie Women: A Generation of Late Nineteenth-Century Mothers exhibit space in the Parlor. Specifically used for catering to the entertainment of friends and acquaintances outside the immediate family, the parlor further complicates the nineteenth-century notion of the home as the “woman’s sphere”, a space meant to remain apart for the corruption of the public realm. The parlor, the most public space within the home, was a space for social gatherings and special events, including family weddings. The site of the Wylie women’s transformation from single to married, this room examines a woman’s first steps towards motherhood.

For more information contact the Wylie House Museum and for more information about the collections at the museum visit Wylie House Museum: Collections Overview.


Wylie House Museum


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“The Parlor Exhibit: Separation through Union,” Wylie House Exhibits, accessed May 17, 2024,