Tumbling Blocks Crib Quilt


Tumbling Blocks Crib Quilt


This unusually constructed crib quilt is thought to be a memorial quilt, possibly used for a wake shroud. The dark colors, the use of a sewing machine for the sake of speedy construction, and the choice of a quilting stitch, which would have quickly become torn by a fussy infant, suggests that the quilt was not made to be used, but rather a decorative piece to commemorate a lost child.

For more information contact the Wylie House Museum and for more information about the collections at the museum visit Wylie House Museum: Collections Overview.


Wylie House Museum


1890 to 1910


tumbling blocks.jpg


“Tumbling Blocks Crib Quilt,” Wylie House Exhibits, accessed May 16, 2024, https://collections.libraries.indiana.edu/wyliehouse/items/show/137.