United States White Sulphur, P.O. Scott, County, Kentucky. To Elijah F. Purdy, G. Sachene, & others. Concerns battle of New Orleans and regrets he cannot come to New York for anniversary celebration of the battle.
The Reporter. Lexington, Kentucky. To Andrew Jackson, Nashville, Tennessee. Refers to the controversy over the conduct of the Kentuckians on the right bank of the Mississippi River During the battle of New Orleans.
United States New Orleans. To James Brown. concerns the state of the defenses of New Orleans, preparations for receiving the British, the Battle of New Orleans and the events immediately following the battle.
United States Headquarters 7th military district. To the troops stationed on the right bank of the Mississippi. Reprimand for abandonment of their lines.
United States Headquarters, 7 Military District, Fort Pierce. To Peter Early, Millidgeville, Georgia. Deals with preparations for the conquest of Louisiana.