Evan Groves
Water Crises in the U.S
Response to Pumzi:
Following watching it for the first time, what stuck out to me was the concept of water as a form of an asset. How it needs to be protected and guarded or else someone might take it from you. However, after rewatching "Pumzi", the theme I pulled from the film was of nature's resilience to human flaws. Despite the Water Wars and despite the woman's superiors orders, the soil sample grows into a small plant, and were left with the hope that it eventually becomes a tree.
What is water to me?
Water plays a big role in my life as it does for everyone. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere and am always thinking about how hydrated I am. I think it is very important to be mindful of how hydrated you are but also grateful that we have access to safe drinking water.
I believe that it is vitally important that everyone has equal access to water and proper sanitation, with that being said I geared my project towards highlighting cities in the United States in which this is not the case. Water crises is a semi broad term that encapsulates a lot of different water inequalities, with my story map I picked the 7 most prominent current examples in which black communities are experiencing water inequality and placed them into an interactive map. These cities included Baltimore, Benton Harbor, Chicago, Jackson, Sandbranch (Texas), California as a whole, and Honolulu. The issues each city is facing are different but the primary forms of water crises most present today are water shortages, faulty infrastructure, contaminated water, and unequal water prices for the low-income, predominantly black communities, these communities are hit the hardest. I'm aiming to reach those who are unaware of the inequalities spread across the country, through this map they’ll learn current, real-world situations in which black communities are being failed. This knowledge is important in order to repeat these practices in the future but also to educate those unaware of the current state of things.
Water Crises in the U.S by Evan Groves is marked with CC0 1.0