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Whitcomb's Outside Agitators
Newspaper article recounting Indiana Governor Edgar D. Whitcomb's response to student agitation over proposed fee hikes. Whitcomb did not believe that the fee...
Sutton Cartoon
Newspaper cartoon depicting IU President Joseph Sutton as a used car salesman, in reference to the ongoing problems with the University budget and student...
Newspaper article describing the various proposals from student leaders on how to combat fee hikes at IU.
Taken from the IU Archives' reference file "Student...
Boycott Flyer
Flyer handed out during the April 30, 1969 student rally outside of Owen Hall. The flyer encourages students to boycott classes for the next...
"Caucus Committee Statement"
Flyer distributed at Dunn Meadow during the 1969 class boycott stating the protesters' demands and affirming their peaceful intentions.
Taken from the IU Archives' reference...
"Statehouse March set for Wednesday"
Newspaper brief explaining the planned march on the Indiana Statehouse in protest of fee hikes. The march drew students from several universities.
Taken from...
Black Students Join Protest
Newspaper photograph depicting black students joining a rally in Dunn Meadow. The rally was one of many protesting fee hikes for the following...
YSA Flyer
Flyer distributed by the Young Socialist Alliance promoting a continuation of the student class boycott of May 1969. The flyer includes hand-written notes...
"Student Boycott to Continue"
Newspaper article describing the events surrounding the May 1969 student fee hike protest.
Taken from the IU Archives' reference file "Student Demonstrations Jan/June 1969."
"Keep Cool" Flyer
Flyer distributed to students during fee hike protests in April and May of 1969. The flyer encourages protesters to remain peaceful during demonstrations.