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"The New Repression"
Article from the underground newspaper The Spectator describing the Grand Jury indictments of 9 persons from IU involved in the Ballantine lock-in. The article...
Spectator V. 8 No. 15
Back page of the underground newspaper The Spectator, containing a sketch of an upraised fist and a slogan of student solidarity. The "All or...
The Spectator V. 8 No. 14
Cover of underground newspaper The Spectator. The cover shows a cartoon depicting Indiana University Board of Trustees chairman Frank McKinney, whom many students felt...
1969, demonstrations, student fees, student unrest, trustees, tuition
Spectator V. 8 No. 13
Cover of underground newspaper The Spectator. The cover shows a cartoon of Indiana University Acting Chancellor John W. Snyder shoveling dirt on IU student...
"Kafka & Kangaroo" part 2
Part two of article from underground newspaper The Spectator irreverently describing the results of the trial of the Dow Chemical protesters.Taken from Spectator Records,...
"Kafka & Kangaroo"
Article from underground newspaper The Spectator irreverently describing the results of the trial of the Dow Chemical protesters.
Taken from Spectator Records, 1966-1970, collection number...
Kerr Speaks with Students
Photograph depicting former University of California President Clark Kerr speaking with students after a speech. Kerr was on campus to speak as that...
Student Leaders Meet With Trustees 2
Photograph depicting a meeting between members of the Indiana University Board of Trustees, school administrators and student leaders. The meeting was in response to...
Student Leaders Meet With Trustees
Photograph depicting a meeting between members of the Indiana University Board of Trustees, school administrators and student leaders. The meeting was in response...
Students at Rally
Photograph depicting students gathered for a rally in protest of fee hikes at Indiana University.
Taken from the IU News Bureau photograph collection, accession number...