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Dow Protest Depositions 2
Deposition taken from a student describing the specific order of events during the Dow Chemical sit-in. Depositions such as this were submitted to a...
Turner at Little 500 Sit-in
Photograph depicting Clarence "Rollo" Turner and other black students speaking to press during the 1968 Little 500 Sit-in. Few photographs of the event have...
Black Student Demands
Flyer listing the demands made by black students demonstrating at the stadium where the Little 500 was to take place. The students were protesting...
"Students Quiet While Waiting At Police Station"
Newspaper article describing the aftermath of the Dow Chemical Sit-in.
Taken from IU Archives' reference file "Student Demonstrations - Dow Chemical."
Dow Protest Photos
Newspaper photographs depicting the student protest against Dow Chemical.
Taken from IU Archives' reference file "Student Demonstrations - Dow Chemical."
"Stahr Hears Demands"
Newspaper article describing student sit-in outside of IU President Elvis Stahr's residence.
Taken from IU Archives' reference file "Student Demonstrations - Dow Chemical."
"Caucus Committee Statement"
Flyer distributed at Dunn Meadow during the 1969 class boycott stating the protesters' demands and affirming their peaceful intentions.
Taken from the IU Archives' reference...
"350 'Walk In' on Stahr"
Brief journal article describing a faculty "walk in" in support of IU President Stahr's disciplinary action against the Dow Chemical protesters.
Taken from the IU...
"Dean Rusk Welcoming Committee"
Flyer distributed by The Committee to End the War in Vietnam, a student group involved in a number of anti-war protests at IU. The...
Ballantine Police
Newspaper article describing the readiness of police to intervene during the Ballantine Lock-in should it have been deemed necessary. No police entered the...