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- Tags: student government
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"Senate Accepts Temporary Settlement"
Newspaper article describing a Student Senate resolution to put the issue of fee hikes to rest temporarily.
Taken from the IU Archives' reference file "Student...
WFBM Editorial
Print response to a radio editorial regarding the punishment of the students involved in the Ballantine lock-in. The radio station had called for...
"Senate Condemns Rawles, Kerr Acts"
Newspaper article describing resolutions passed by the IU Student Senate regarding the events surrounding Moratorium Day and Joel Allen's suspension. The Senate condemned...
Student Senate Bill B-2
Student Senate bill adding a member of the Afro-American Student Association to the IU Student Senate. Several notes have been written on the document,...
Student Senate Resolution R-2
Student Senate resolution encouraging a change in how scholarships created out of Little 500 revenue are distributed. The resolution suggests that at least half...
Student Senate Resolution R-4
Student Senate resolution condemning racist policies and encouraging members of minority groups to attend open meetings of the Senate. This copy has been annotated...
Student Senate Resolution R-7
Student Senate resolution condemning the Higher Education Amendment of 1968, which allowed for a student's financial aid to be taken away if they were...
Student Senate Resolution R-15
Student Senate resolution expressing support for a boycott of all classes as proposed by members of the student body.
Taken from Indiana University Student Senate...
Student Senate Bill B-17
Student Senate bill proposing to appropriate funds to hire an attorney with the aim of investigating legal action against the University related to fee...
Student Senate Bill B-18
Student Senate bill that proposes to initiate a boycott of Bloomington merchants unless they sign a statement in support of student fee decrease demands.