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Toleo la 38 (issue no. 38). Dar es Salaam: Kivukoni College.

Toleo la 46 (issue no. 46). Dar es Salaam: Kivukoni College.

from Tanganyika Notes and Records [19..?].


Ndanda, Tanzania: Benedictine Publications.

Paper presented at the "Tanzania after Nyerere" conference, June 1986, London.


Paper presented to the Indian Consortium for International Programs (Friday February 28, 1975).


from American Anthropologist v. 57 no. 5, Oct 1955: 923-952.


Series: Bustani, kitabu cha nne = Tropical Library Garden Series, book 4. London: Lomgmans, Green and Co.

Series: Bustani, kitabu cha sita = Tropical Library Garden Series, book 6. London: Lomgmans, Green and Co.

Series: Bustani, kitabu cha tano = Tropical Library Garden Series, book 5. London: Lomgmans, Green and Co.

A seminar organised by the African Books Collective and Dag Hammarskjold Foundation, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1-4 July 2002.


from Tanzania Notes and Records, no. 66, Dec. 1966: 147-154.


From Tanganyika Notes and Records, 19?


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