Brookgreen Gardens - Fontainbleau Hotel - Cypress Gardens 1955
About this item
Description |
The Hollands travel south for their summer vacation. Their first stop is Brookgreen Gardens located in Murrels Inlet, South Carolina. Brookgreen Gardens, founded in 1931, is a public sculpture garden and wildlife preserve. Philip Holland captures the bronze and concrete sculptures displayed in the gardens, such as “Fighting Stallions” by Anna Hyatt Huntington, and “Griffin” by Paul Manship. After leaving the gardens, the Hollands travel even further south to the Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami, Florida. The hotel was barely a year old when the Hollands stayed in 1955. Philip captures the view of the ocean and the pool below from their room. We get a closer look at the courtyard and the pool, where a woman models a dress poolside. There is an underwater sequence of hotel guests swimming in the pool. The last stop on the Holland’s Florida vacation is Cypress Gardens. The now closed Cypress Gardens was a botanical garden and theme park known for its water ski stunts. Young men and women clad in swimsuits and costumes flip, turn, and form human pyramids all while gliding over the water on skis. The Hollands end their quintessential 1950s Florida vacation by taking in the flora and fauna of Cypress Gardens. (Description written by IULMIA staff) |
Date |
1955 |
Original Format |
8mm |
Duration |
14:56 |
Color/Black & White |
Color |
Sound/Silent |
Silent |