Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive

The Earthmovers

About this item

Description Starts with a depiction of pre-war construction to show how heavy equipment of all types were in use by the Corps of Engineers and the Navy's Seabees. States that this contruction machinery plays a central part in action on all fronts during World War II. Describes how the "work power" of military construction units clears beaches of mines, constructs new roads, builds bridges and airstrips, and sets up water purification systems. Contrasts the pre-technological building techniques of China, India, and Africa with the technological might of the U.S. military.
Creator U.S. Signal Corps
Date Issued 1944
Original Format 16mm print
Duration 14:07
Color/Black & White B&W
Sound/Silent Sound
Nation of Origin U.S.
Geographic Coverage Bougainville Island; Aleutians; Cape Calava, Sicily, Italy; Naples, Italy; Volturno River, Italy

