An introduction to motion picture study which tries to touch briefly on most of the issues which form the basis for contemporary film theory. Part One is a tongue-in-cheek movie scene entitled "Putting Yourself in My Place," derived from an anecdote…
Illustrates the variety of environments in which plants survive, and shows adaptations developed by various plants for survival and reproduction within their own environment. The role of man as a mediator of environment is shown as he modifies…
Presents a view of this student in a variety of school situations, including hr arrival at school, participation in a Russian language class, looking for a book in the library, discussing Japan in a history class, eating in the school cafeteria, and…
Uses cinephotomicrography which is partially time-lapse, electron micrographs, and live photography to show laboratory techniques for studying bacteria and methods used for controlling bacteria. Shows how bacteria are grown in the laboratory, the…
Uses cinephotomicrography to illustrate the processes of reproduction. Points out that although sexual reproduction may differ in plants and animals in specific detail, its basic features remain the same. Presents models of cells and chromosomes to…
Uses action photography of plants and animals to show that biology is more than just dissection or memorization but includes the study of life in all of its forms. Reveals that life has diversity and unity, responds to stimuli, obtains food,…
Portrays the need for improvements in transportation as the U.S. spread westward, and outlines the development of a network of canals to supplement existing river and highway transportation facilities. Uses flashbacks to show activities of a family…
Uses animation, live photography, cinephotomicrography, and time-lapse photography to illustrate and explain the characteristics of living plants and animals. Shows the hydra, paramecium, and algae to illustrate reproduction and the basic similarity…
Tells the story of a woodchuck which was taken to a state park to live and now entertains the park visitors by performing tricks. Shows the woodchuck's appearance, size, natural habitat, food, habits, and adjustment to captivity.
Tells the story of the changes that have taken place in the Southern states where cotton was, or still is being, grown. Pictures seventy-one locations to illustrate the cotton belt's geographic area and use of the land. Describes the growth of cotton…