Browse Exhibits by Tag
- Indiana University
- Bureau of Audio-Visual Aids
- 16mm
- Educational Films
- Film Guides
- Films
- Indiana
- Frink
- film
- TV
- 1950s
- Elkhart
- advertisements
- ads
- IN
- World War II
- DePauw
- Alka Selzter
- Australia
- Home Movies
- McRobbie Family
- Michael McRobbie
- Travelogue
- Europe
- North America
- Africa
- Asia
- Alan Lewis
- Moving Image Technology
- Motion Picture Camera
- Projector
- 8mm
- super 8mm
- double 8mm
- National Educational Television
- public broadcasting
- television
- educational programming
- 1950's
- dance
- sociology
- prison
- justice system
- history
- Japan
- politics
- fine arts
- Alaska
- art
- American art
- chemistry
- biology
- writing
- grammar
- 1960's
- literature
- authors
- acting
- theatre
- education
- teaching
- parenting
- child development
- mathematics
- science
- children's television
- communism
- folk music
- printing
- language
- physics
- flight
- painting
- government
- photography
- psychology
- philosophy
- public affairs
- music
- music composition
- liberal arts
- American history
- religion
- biblical literature
- Sweden
- astronomy
- linguistics
- classical music
- modern art
- humor
- comedy
- satire
- communication
- semantics
- International Geophysical year
- Antarctica
- Latin America
- colonial history
- American society
- American culture
- child care
- marine biology
- zoology
- crime
- criminology
- Pictorial Films
- Social Guidance Films
- Coronet
- Sid Davis Productions
- driving instruction
- space travel
- space medicine
- medicine
- computer science
- mental health
- child rearing
- children with disabilities
- geology
- design
- rocketry
- elections
- Supreme Court
- group behavior
- 1960s
- biography
- geography
- agriculture
- art history
- poetry
- arts
- storytelling
- folk tales
- opera
- sculpture
- ancient history
- archaeology
- culture
- cultural values
- juvenile delinquency
- music theory
- colonialism
- nuclear energy
- public health
- nature
- animals
- United States
- Lori Marion
- road trip
- Rootie Kazootie
- Rootie Tootie
- The Rootie Kazootie Club
- The Rootie Tootie Club
- Steve Carlin
- Ira Gallen
- The March of Time
- Time
- Time Inc.
- Henry Luce
- Roy Larson
- Louis de rochemont
- Nelson Rockefeller
- the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
- home front
- Victory Gardens
- Motion Picture Service
- Soundies
- Jazz
- Homefront
- African Americans
- Panoram
- Patriotism
- World War II; Homefront; Labor; Industry; Manufacturing; Wartime
- Horror; Psychological Thriller; Hoosier Film; Independent; Regional Horror
- American Folk Film; Joshua White; Tall Tales; Folklore
- Nontheatrical Film; Sponsored Film; Film Catalogs; Distribution Catalogs