Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive


About this item

Description Another installment of the weekly Gala Poochie Quiz takes a large portion of the allotted 15 minutes of runtime. Beforehand, Mr. Deetle Dootle entertains the audience with his usual confused antics. The show gets back on track after a message from the sponsor Silvercup bread. Between the quiz and the reward presentation, Rootie sings a song about a blue-tailed fly.
Subject The Rootie Kazootie Club, Children's Television
Producer Produced by Steve Carlin
Director Directed by Joseph L. Stuhl
Technical Director Art Nace
Contributor Chief Rooter “Big” Todd Russell
Lilliputians designed by Paul Ashley
"Characterooties" played by Betty Jane Tyler, Frank Milano, John Vee, Paul Ashley
Musical Director Milton Kaye
Written by Charles L. Hutchings
Duration 00:14:53
Color/Black & White Black & White
Sound/Silent Sound
Film Stock 16mm

